El 21st International Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF) es un foro para el intercambio de información y experiencias en diferentes áreas en relación con el concepto de agente sobre ambientes físicos, especialmente aplicado al control y coord...
Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial: Retos y nuevas oportunidades
Date: December, 10 th 2019
Hora: 10:00-13:30
Venue: Sala C, ETSII-UPM, c/José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2 , 28006, Madrid
Fall detection and prevention in the elderly MiniSymposium at EUROGEN 2017
You are kindly invited to attend and submit a contribution to the MiniSymposium on “Fall detection and prevention in the elderly” within the EUROGEN 2017 conference. This event will be held in Lisbon (Portugal), 13th-15th September, 2017.