List of Articles

  • J. M. Sabater, R. Saltarén, R. Aracil, E. Yime, J. M. Azorín. Teleoperated parallel climbing robots in nuclear inatallations. Industrial Robot: An International Journal . Vol:33. No:5. . 2006.
  • R. Aracil, R.J. Saltaren, O. Reinoso. A Climbing Parallel Robot: A robot to climb along tubular and metallic structures IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine . Vol:13. No:1. pp:16-22. 2006.
  • R. Aracil, R. J. Saltarén, J. M. Sabater y O. Reinoso.. Robots Paralelos: Máquinas con un Pasado para una Robótica del Futuro. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial . Vol:3. No:1. pp:16-28. 2006.
  • Nicolas Garcia-Aracil, Ezio Malis, R. Aracil. Continuous Visual Servoing Despite the Changes of Visibility in Image Features. IEEE Transactions on Robotics . Vol:21. No:6. pp:1214-1220. 0.
  • R. Saltaren, R. Aracil, O. Reinoso, and M. A. Scarano. Climbing Parallel Robot: A Computational and Experimental Study of its Performance Around Structural Nodes. IEEE Transactions on Robotics . Vol:21. No:6. pp:1056-1066. 2005.
  • J. M. Sabater, J. M. Azorín, R. Aracil, R. Saltaren. Magister-p: a 6-urs parallel haptic device with open control architecture. Robotica . Vol:23. No:0. pp:177-187. 2005.
  • Aldo R. Sartorius Castellanos, Luis Hernández Santana, Rafael Aracil Santonja, Ángel Ernesto Rubio, Iván Santana Ching. Platform for distance development of complex automatic control strategies using Matlab. Internationl Journal of Engineering Education . Vol:21. No:5. pp:790-797. 2005.
  • Aldo R. Sartorius Castellanos, Luis Hernández Santana, Rafael Aracil Santonja. Laboratorio a distancia para la prueba y evaluación de controladores a través de Internet. Revista SBA Controle & Automação . Vol:16. No:1. . 2005.
  • M. Ferre, R. Aracil, M. Navas. Stereoscopic Video Images for Telerobotic Applications. Journal of Robotic Systems . Vol:22. No:3. pp:131-146. 2005.
  • R. J. Saltarén, R. Aracil y O. Reinoso. Analysis of a Climbing Parallel Robot for Construction Applications. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering . Vol:19. No:0. pp:436-445. 2004.