Virtual conference – Intelligent Land Transport Systems
On July, 11th the Virtual conference - Intelligent Land Transport Systems will be held.
11:00-11:20 Apertura:
Ana Isabel Cremades Rodríguez, Directora General de Investigación e Innovación
Tecnológica, Comunidad de Madrid
Carlos Balaguer, Coordinador de RoboCity2030
11:20-12:10 Motion planning and control for intelligent vehicles in urban environments:
Jorge Villagra (CSIC)
12:10-12:45 Perception for intelligent vehicles in urban environments:
Luis M. Bergasa (UAH)
12:45-13:20 Autonomous multi-robot systems: The future of the agriculture:
Ángela Ribeiro (CSIC)
13:20-14:00 Mesa redonda:
Julio Dolado, Clúster de Movilidad, Horizonte Europa (CDTI)
Edouard Rozan (Business Development ADAS & eMob FICOSA)
Javier Ferrer (CEO WiTraC Comunicaciones Inteligentes, S.L.)
Moderador: Antonio Barrientos (UPM)


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